Numbers and Shame

Are you afraid of a truth about yourself? Are you living in continual fear that you’re going to be “found out” if people discover a truth about you?

Women are ashamed of all kinds of numbers about themselves:

  • How much they make

  • How much they weigh

  • How many email subscribers they have

  • The number size on their jeans

  • The number they have in their child’s college savings account

  • The number of past lovers

  • The number of Facebook Fans they have

If we all shared our numbers, we would realize that we are all so much more similar than we realize.

You can’t create true prosperity if you feel like you are constantly ashamed of something about yourself. Being scared and fearful is not sending out energy that will get you to six figures.

The one thing about numbers we have to realize is that they are constantly changing. You could easily go from making nothing to making six figures. Numbers aren’t permanent and they don’t define who you are.

Many women don’t give themselves enough credit for simply being themselves regardless of how they feel about their hidden numbers.

Moving past fear is important for your growth as a business owner, so how do you stop having so much shame?

1. Understand that the numbers you are trying to hide don’t define you.

These numbers don’t take into account what kind of person you are, how giving you are, your life experiences, or how hard you work in other areas of your life. Numbers are simply just a starting point and are always changing.

2. Get in touch.

Get in touch with your own worth and the value you bring to the world. Maybe you need to meditate, read through positive client comments, or simply just take a day off.

When you are feeling good about yourself, you don’t care as much about what other people think about you.

Remember that you are unique in your own way and you have no competition!

3. Extend compassion.

Most of the people around you aren’t focusing on you, they are focused on themselves and their own problems. So many of us women walk around worrying about what other people think, when we don’t even realize that most women are thinking the same thing.

Go out of your way to show compassion to a fellow woman today. Let her know she is not alone in her struggles. When you open up about your own truth, instead of receiving judgment you will be shocked to find that most people will feel absolutely relieved because they can relate.

What was a number you were worried about that you eventually realized that it wasn’t worth the amount of time you spent worrying about it? Share in the comments below!

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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