What Might You Lose If You Speak What Is True?

The idea of stepping out into the business world with your story can seem quite paralyzing. The world would finally see the real you. The world will see that you are not perfect and challenge your views, ideas and opinions.

The reality is, it’s always going to be that way, whether you choose to voice your truth or stay hidden, letting your ideas fade into void. What might you truly lose?

Yes, we live in a world where the truth has become an inconvenience. On one hand, people raise their flags screaming 'freedom of speech," and on the other hand, we are expected to lie, to be deceitful and dishonest even when we know that what we say is true. It’s a tough place to be, isn’t it?

What might you lose if you speak what is true?

There are consequences that come with speaking what is true, too. If you speak out against someone in a position of power or authority, there could be negative repercussions for your career and relationships.

You may seem like a troublemaker, or feel uncomfortable in your relationships as others react to what you say. You might also experience fear and worry about the negative consequences of speaking up for yourself.

It can seem disheartening to have people disagree with you or discourage you, even the ones you expect support from, and sometimes it can happen.

Be sure to cultivate self-acceptance and self-love, as your ability to communicate might suffer if you constantly expect others not to believe what you say because it is unpopular.

You might lose friends, family, or your job. You might experience harassment or violence for speaking out against injustice.

You might even lose your life. What do you think? What is something that you would be willing to give up in order to speak what is true?

I believe that Integrity is a gift to yourself. The truth is not always sweet. Sometimes it is a bitter pill and sometimes it feels like a knife wound. However, if spoken in love, the truth can set everyone free. For example, why would a client pay me to tell him/her lies? Are they not paying me to disrupt disempowering mindset and habits in order to interrupt the pattern of failure? Leaders embody integrity. They do the right thing even when no one is watching and they speak truth to power.

What might you lose if you speak what is true? You might not lose anything at all!

That voice inside of you that wants the world to see your light, love and truth will always be there, waiting for you to give it space. There is a truth that yearns to be expressed through you.

Life is not a popularity contest. Speak out loud what empowers and inspires YOU, even when it feels like everyone else disagrees with it or thinks it's silly.

Speaking your truth isn’t an easy path but it is a fulfilling one that will give you the life of your dreams.

What might you gain if you speak what is true?

There are benefits to telling the truth.

For example, it can be freeing to let go of secrets and hidden feelings. Developing trust with others will also improve your relationships.

Speaking the truth also reduces feelings of stress and anxiety.

What is the best way to speak what is true?

Be assertive when you are communicating your truth instead of being passive, aggressive or passive-aggressive with your delivery. Be clear about how you feel and why it makes sense for someone else to do something differently. You can be empathetic while still speaking up for what you need.

Be aware that there can be benefits to telling some truths but not others.

For example, you should not tell a coworker that he is incompetent if it isn't true and could put your job at risk. You also do not want to speak the truth about something that happened 20 years ago unless it has relevance today. Telling the whole truth means being aware of what this looks like for everyone involved. Learn how to apply discernment and wisdom to your words.

You will find a community of people who value your honesty and integrity. They are willing to nurture and invest in you. Why? Because you are a leader and a truth-teller.

The only way forward is through speaking the truth no matter how difficult it may be at times.

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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