Helping Others Helps You

Owning a business feels pretty good, doesn’t it? You get to be in command of your life, you get to set your own schedule, and you get to decide on how your time is spent.

It probably took awhile to get to this point, didn’t it? Oh girl, I know those beginning struggles.

I know how much dedication and sacrifice it takes to build a successful business.

Now here’s the real question: How dedicated are you to your client’s success? Are you fully committed to helping them grow their business? Or are you done with them as soon as your contract is over?

Giving a half-committed effort won’t get them anywhere, and it definitely won’t help your business.

Ready to change it?

Repeat after me: I am committed to sharing resources that will help my clients leverage their time, undivided attention and intellectual capital.

The best source of new clients is having successful past clients. Having potential clients see the success stories you have personally helped create will give them confidence in your ability.

Plus, when people ask your old clients about their success, they will almost always likely mention your name, and that is one of the best referrals you could possibly get.

Don’t believe me?

Consider this: The average person is willing to pay 23% more for the same product if it comes from a recommended source.

So, how can you recommend yourself as that trusted advisor and guide?

First, focus on adding value every step of the way. (Remember that every customer is dialed into the radio station W.I.I.F.M. - What's in it for me?)

Second, make sure you create a chatbot and FAQ pages on your sales pages; host Live Q&A sessions every once in a while or hire an assistant or customer service support to answer client questions.

Last, be there for them even when the project is over. A great way to keep your name on their mind is by sending an email after the project ends with helpful resources or articles that may help them down the road. And if they ever need new guidance in the future, you’ll be the first person they come to.

Sharing your favorite resources, tips, books, blogs, YouTube channels, or anything else that supported you, will do wonders for the people around you.

Take a moment to think about your favorite online resource.

What is it that you love about this website or blog?

How does it make you feel and why do you choose to return over and over again?

Write out what makes the site so special, how it has helped shape who you are today, and let them know why they should visit it.

Your goal is to add value and create a connection with your audience, so write in the first person (I).

Be genuine and sincere when describing why this resource makes you feel good inside: How has it impacted your life? What problem does that website solve for you or how can it help others like yourself?

What are some of the obstacles you faced before finding this blog or website?

How did it make your life easier, or why do you think others can benefit from reading it too?

These are just a few of the things to touch on when writing. If possible, try and get more specific with personal stories that help illustrate how this resource has helped you.

Here are a few example prompts:

  • I liked to read this blog because it made me feel less alone in my struggles with _________. The thing that struck me the most was when they talked about how _________ impacted their life and inspired them to do ______ . This is why I believe others should check out their site, because they can learn from their story.

  • Or, I really enjoyed reading this blog post because it helped me realize _________. This is why I think others should read it too: If you’re anything like me and have struggled with ______ before, then this article will be right up your alley! It was written in a way that made it easy to understand why _________ should be prevented at all costs.

  • Or, I always go back to this website because they have great ideas for helping you/getting started with ______ . This is why I think others who are interested in learning more about ______ can do so by checking out their site: If you’re anything like me and want to know more about ______ , then you should definitely check out their blog. They have some great tips for getting started!

Don't waste time, start writing!

If you know how to sell a service better, efficiently manage your time, filter down to hire the best clients, leverage the Internet to your specific industry, or any of the other ways to help your clients, it is your job to share those.

Don’t you wish someone had given you more guidance on the start of your journey? You could be that guiding light for someone else.

Guide others and the universe will guide you toward even more success.

And this, my friends, will help you grow your business exponentially!

Let your light shine,


Post Updated 10 April 2019

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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The Importance of Client Happiness