10 Content Marketing Tips for Non-Copywriters

You want to be a great content marketer, but you’re not a copywriter. You don’t know how to write headlines, craft persuasive emails, or design stunning social media graphics. And that’s okay! You can learn those skills, of course, but you don’t have to become an expert copywriter to create world-class content. In this blog post, we will share 10 tips for creating great content without becoming a copywriting expert.

Tip #1: Don’t try to write like a copywriter. Copywriters are focused on building sales funnels, while content marketers need to build relationships with their audience members. When you write your blog posts, social media messages and other pieces of content, don’t focus on selling your audience anything – instead, focus on being yourself. Write the way you speak – not in a conversational way but in an authentic way that connects with people who will enjoy reading what you have written (and sharing it with their friends and colleagues). Then, once they know you well enough through reading your great content regularly over time… THEN start trying out some copywriting techniques for “selling” them things! But only if you feel they are ready and interested in what you have to offer.

Tip #2: Write about things that interest you (or your target market). When you’re passionate about the topic you’re writing about, it will show in your content. And when people can see how excited you are about the topic, they will be more likely to read your blog post, watch your video or listen to your podcast episode. So don’t try to write about things that bore you – find a topic that interests you and focus on THAT instead.

Tip #3: Find a way to connect with others who share your interests. There is no need to re-invent the wheel when it comes to creating great content. Instead, find a way to connect with others who are already creating content that is interesting and useful to your target market. Share their blog posts on social media, interview them for your podcast or repost their videos on your YouTube channel. When you do this, not only will you be providing great content for your audience members, but you’ll also be building relationships with the people who create the best content in your industry.

Tip #4: Pay attention to the latest trends. As a content marketer, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in your industry. That means paying attention to what’s happening on social media, reading articles about new marketing techniques and experimenting with different types of content. When you pay attention to the latest trends, you’ll be able to create content that is relevant and interesting to your audience members.

Tip #5: Use data to back up your claims. A lot of people are skeptical about what they read on the internet, so it’s important for content marketers to use data to back up their claims. For example, if you write a blog post about how social media can help businesses grow, include statistics from a recent study that supports your argument. Not only will this make your content more credible, but it will also show that you did your research and are knowledgeable about the topic you’re writing about.

Tip #6: Be creative! As a content marketer, it’s important to be creative and experiment with different types of content. That means trying out new formats (like videos or infographics), using humor to engage your audience and thinking outside the box when it comes to topics. When you’re creative, you’ll be able to come up with ideas for content that are interesting and unique – which is what will help you stand out from the competition.

Tip #7: Write headlines that grab attention. The headline of your blog post is one of the most important elements, because it’s the first thing people see when they search for a topic online. So make sure your headlines are catchy and intriguing, so people will want to read more about what you have to say.

Tip #8: Focus on quality over quantity. It’s important for content marketers to focus on writing high-quality posts, rather than trying to create a ton of short ones that aren’t as helpful or informative. When you write longer pieces, you have more space to dive into details about specific topics and provide value for your readers (which will help them engage with the content). So instead of posting daily updates that are only a few sentences long, try publishing weekly blog posts with at least 500 words per post (or even longer!). This way, when people search online for information about something related to what you do – they will find your website before anyone else because it has been optimized better than others!

Tip #9: Use images. A picture is worth a thousand words! Using photos, memes or graphics in your blog posts will make them more engaging and easier to read. It’s also important to remember that Google Images can only be indexed if they are hosted on the same website as the rest of your content – so make sure you upload any images directly onto your site before using them online (this includes infographics too!). This way when people search for information about something related to what you do – they will find your website before anyone else because it has been optimized better than others!

Tip #10: Proofread everything twice before publishing anything live on social media platforms such as Linkedin, Twitter or Facebook. Check spelling errors with Microsoft Word’s spell checker and then manually search through your content for grammar mistakes too – as these can really put people off from reading what you have written if not corrected beforehand!

Here's two more tips because I feel like over-sharing :-)

Tip #11: Be consistent with posting new blog posts at least once per week or more often depending on how much time you want to devote towards this activity. If possible, try scheduling them ahead of time so they are automatically published when scheduled instead of having to remember each day when it’s due!

This is a great way to ensure that everything gets done while still taking care of other tasks throughout the day such as client meetings or doing research in order make sure there aren’t any gaps left between topics covered within your content marketing strategy.

Tip #12: Always include a call to action at the end of each blog post. This could be anything from asking readers to leave comments, subscribing to your email list or sharing the article with their friends on social media. When you have a CTA in place, you’ll be able to track how successful each blog post was in terms of getting people to take further actions that will help you achieve your business goals.

When it comes to content marketing, there are no shortcuts – you need great content if you want to see results from any other marketing activities. But don’t worry, you don’t need to become an expert copywriter or storyteller overnight! These twelve tips will help get you started on the right path when it comes to creating engaging blog posts for your business website or social media accounts. Share with me in the comment section the approach that fits you and yoru brand personality. Looking forward to hearing about your wins!

Tags: content marketing, copywriting, headlines, social media marketing, email marketing

Kadena Tate
Hi! I am Kadena Tate. As a revenue strategist and subscription business model designer, I empower women small business owners to scale with subscriptions and unlock their path to riches.

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